PhD Position on Geotechnical Engineering at Flinders University, Australia

A PhD position on geotechnical engineering topics is now open at Flinders University, Australia.

Applications are welcome to apply for the following Flinders/Industry co-funded PhD Enterprise Scholarship with an internship: “Investigative Drilling (ID) method theoretical investigation and practical application”.

This project aims to develop a fast, economical, and reliable solution to reduce risks associated with unforeseen and/or variable ground conditions, ensuring the highest level of risk mitigation and verification prior to construction activities. It is proposed to explore the correlations between the data obtained from the ID technique and the conventional site investigation methods. Analysis and interpretation of the measured data will be carried out to develop and validate the soil behaviour classification. Correlations among ID measured data and standard in-situ and laboratory test results from existing projects will be established in terms of strength and stiffness properties. A hybrid approach for ground investigation by combining the benefits of both physics-based and data-driven modelling will be explored as well.

The PhD Enterprise Scholarship also includes an internship of at least 60 full-time equivalent days, agreed to in written form within 18 months of candidature, undertaken and completed prior to completion of the PhD, during which you will be embedded with the industry partner team, developing your network, and gaining insight into the everyday research practices of an industry-leading/service driven organisation.

We are looking forward to receiving applications from highly-motivated and curious candidates with Master’s degree (or equivalent) in civil engineering or geology engineering with specialisation in geotechnics or related area. The position is funded for 3.5 years.

Deadline for application: 5 August 2022

Candidates can find more details on the project via the following link:

Contact details for further information:

Reminder: Short course on Propagation of Mechanical Waves in Deformable Solids and Meta-Materials

In the week from September 5-9, 2022 a short course has been organized by the University of Pavia (Italy) entitled “Wave Propagation in Deformable Solids and Meta-Materials“. The course will be held in a prestigious Renaissance Residence in downtown Pavia. The lecturers are well-known specialists in their respective disciplines. The schedule of the course is very intense with 6-7 hours of lectures every day. A limited number of PhD students and post-docs who are not supported by their own academic institutions can apply to student residences in Pavia which offer lodging at a particularly convenient rate. Details can be found on the attached flyer and at the web site which has been purposely created. The course will be held in presence however due to Covid-19 restrictions, the auditorium can host up to a maximum of 50 participants. Reservations will be made on a first-come first-served basis. Applicants can register via the page no later than July 30, 2022. Other info can be found at the web site and on the attached flyer.

PhD position at the University of Salerno, Italy

A PhD position in “Innovative monitoring and warning strategies for weather-induced landslides using IoT and MachineLearning” is available at the Geotechnical Engineering Group of the University of Salerno, Italy.

Deadline to apply for the PhD fellowship: 14 July 2022

The PhD research will be conducted as part of a recently funded Horizon Europe project, coordinated by Prof. Michele Calvello, called “The HuT (Human-Tech nexus): Building a safe haven for coping with climate extremes.” The project includes 26 EU Partners and 10 demonstrators across Europe. The HuT will employ innovative DRR solutions, accounting for the potential variations induced by climate change, and will deal with weather-induced events tackled with trans-disciplinary risk management tools and approaches.


Prospective applicants may contact Michele Calvello ( for details

PhD Position in Innsbruck (women only)

A new PhD-position is available in Innsbruck. This position is advertised as a measure for the promotion of women, therefore only women may apply.

We are offering a 4 years PhD-position in the field of numerical and experimental soil mechanics at the University of Innsbruck starting in October 2022. We are looking forward to applications of motivated women to strengthen our team. Please apply until 18. July 2022 under:

Advanced course on Modeling of Localized Inelastic Deformation (LID 2022)

Advanced course on Modeling of Localized Inelastic Deformation (LID 2022),
taught by Milan Jirásek in Prague, Czech Republic, 5-9 September 2022.

This course provides an overview of modeling approaches used in the mechanics of inelastic materials and structures, with special attention to objective description of highly localized deformation modes such as cracks or shear bands. It is one of the RILEM educational courses. The course is intended for graduate students at the doctoral level, but it can be equally useful to motivated master students, post-doctoral researchers, or senior researchers who are not specialists in this field.

For details see
For registration please contact .

PostDoctoral Position in Experimental Soil Mechanics – Physical modelling at TU Delft

The section of Geo-Engineering at Delft University of Technology (The Netherlands) is searching for a postdoctoral researcher to enhance the understanding and the physical modelling of complex multi-physics of aging geotechnical structures, exploring scenarios of saturated and partially saturated soils subjected to gas generation and exsolution.

Geotechnical structures, like embankments, levees, dams, and landfills, experience a wide range of loads, from extreme short-term loading conditions to long-term climate-associated loading. In the long-term, the effect of these external loads leads to changes within the soil, varying the soil strength and modifying the soil phases (e.g. gas generation, soil cementing, grains breakage). Changes within the soil could lead to excessive deformations or even to failure of vital infrastructure. Physical modelling provides an opportunity for understanding the complex multi-physics of aging geotechnical structures, exploring scenarios of saturated and partially saturated soils subjected to gas generation and exsolution. This position aims at addressing the effects of these processes applied to slope stability and studying the coupled multi-physics of gas-liquid-solid interactions.

The postdoctoral project is expected to develop advanced research on:

  1. The role of gas and fluid in a simple slope stability model
  2. The scaling principles of fluid and gas within a physical model
  3. The formulation of smart monitoring strategies for aging geotechnical structures

More information about the vacancy and the employment conditions can be found in this PDF FILE.

Are you interested in this vacancy? Please apply before 30 July 2022 via the TU Delft website (Job details ( and upload: a detailed CV, research statement (1 page maximum), a list of three relevant publications, cover letter (1 page maximum), and contact details of 2 referees.

For further information please contact:

Dr. Stefano Muraro

Prof. Dr. Cristina Jommi

Geological Engineering Professor Position at Polytechnique Montréal

Polytechnique Montréal’s Department of Civil, Geological and Mining Engineering is looking for a person who has a particular interest in geostatistics as applied to one or more of the following specialties, but not limited to: Mineral resource assessment, hydrogeology, geophysics, environment, numerical modelling, machine learning or deep learning.

The candidate specializes in one or several of the aforementioned areas, and their research program uses both an experimental and/or modelling approach and in-situ investigation. Finally, the candidate should have an interest in developing interdisciplinary collaborations within and outside the Department of Civil, Geological and Mining Engineering.

START DATE: As soon as possible.

APPLICATIONS: Candidates are invited to submit an application file that includes:
• A cover letter
• A CV
• A statement of main achievements and teaching philosophy
• A statement of major research achievements and prospects
• Proof of university degrees
• Up to three significant contributions related to the position
• Teaching evaluations, if available

For more information about this position, please contact: Professor Richard Simon, Eng., PhD ( We encourage all qualified applicants to apply. In accordance with immigration rules, priority will be given to Canadians and permanent residents.

More information on this pdf file.

Two PhD positions at Institute of Geotechnical Engineering, Universität für Bodenkultur Wien (BOKU), Vienna, Austria.

Two 4-year PhD positions on the research project “Creep Failure of Landslides in Partially Saturated Soil (CREPASS)” funded by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) is now open at Institute of Geotechnical Engineering, Universität für Bodenkultur Wien (BOKU), Vienna, Austria.

Two PhD students will be recruited for this project. The successful candidate for Position 1 will perform experimental investigation, including (i) carrying out field work, including field survey of selected slow-moving landslide, in-situ creep tests, and sample gathering; (ii) performing laboratory soil testing, e.g., suction-controlled triaxial creep tests and ring-shear creep tests. The successful candidate for Position 2 will perform numerical simulation, including (i) developing a hypoplastic constitutive model to include both time-dependency and unsaturation effects; (ii) developing a numerical model advanced by phase-field to simulate localized failure of unsaturated slopes.

The potential candidates are required to have a Master’s degree in civil engineering or geology engineering with specialisation in geotechnics or related area. Candidates from other scientific disciplines with experience in scientific testing are also welcome. Demonstrated laboratory experience is required for position 1. Demonstrated experience in undertaking research in the fields of constitutive modelling, finite element method, and/or multiscale modelling is required for position 2. Furthermore, demonstrated programming skills (C/C++/CUDA preferred) or field testing is a plus.

Project starting date: 01.10.2022 for a total duration of four years.

Gross salary per month: EUR 2,300.30 (14 months for one year).

Supervision: Prof. Dr. -Ing Wei Wu.

Application deadline: 30.07.2022

How to apply?

Please send your application to the Institute of Geotechnical Engineering at with the subject “CREPASS-Position 1” or “CREPASS-Position 2” alongside with the following documents:

(1) A detailed curriculum vitae or resume outlining the academic and industry achievements and the educational background. A list of publications and completed projects or products should be included if applicable

(2) A short cover letter of maximum one page introducing yourself and describing how the position matches your skills and interests

More information on this pdf file.

PhD Positions on Geotechnical Engineering at University of Genoa

Two PhD positions on geotechnical engineering topics are now open at University of Genoa.

Applications are welcome to apply for the following projects: PILATUS and MATER.

PILATUS (PIles under LATeral loading in Unsaturated Soils): The main objective of this doctoral project is to explore the influence of unsaturated soils on the behaviour of laterally loaded piles. The PhD candidate will develop a theoretical and numerical framework under supervision of Dr Leonardo M Lalicata and Pr. Dr. Domenico Gallipoli (University of Genoa).

MATER (Innovative Earthen Materials for Residential Buildings): The project aims to a better understanding of the hygro-thermal-mechanical (HTM) coupling in rammed earth materials. Rammed earth represents a viable and more environmentally friendly construction material compared to the traditional industrial ones such as steel and concrete. The PhD candidate will develop experimental and theoretical work under the supervision of Dr Leonardo M Lalicata and Pr. Dr. Domenico Gallipoli (University of Genoa).

We are looking forward to receiving applications from highly-motivated and curious candidates with a Master’s degree (or equivalent) in civil engineering with a specialisation in geomechanics, geotechnics or other relevant fields. The position is funded for 3 years commencing on 01 November 2022.

Deadline for application: June 30, 2022

Candidates can find more details on the project and submit their applications via the following link:
Contact details for further information: