Short-course for Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical couplings in particulate systems

Everyone is invited to a brand new short course covering theory and practical implementation of fluid and thermal couplings in particulate systems with Yade software. The course will be held in Amsterdam, Netherlands from 20/06/2022 to 22/06/2022, where participants will learn hands-on with Robert Caulk and Bruno Chareyre. More information is available at and on the following flyer.

Postdoctoral Position on Induced Seismicity

Join the GEoREST team to contribute with your research to address one of the
major challenges of the XXI century: ending our dependency on hydrocarbons
and reaching zero or net negative emissions to achieve carbon neutrality.
We offer a postdoctoral position (1 year with possibility of another one depending
on results and funding availability) for investigating the mechanisms that induce
seismicity as a result of fluid injection/extraction related to geothermal energy,
geologic carbon storage and hydrogen storage. The position is related to the
ERC-StG project GEoREST (predictinG EaRthquakES induced by fluid injecTion)
(, funded by the European Research Council (ERC, The candidate will perform her/his research at the
Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) in a collaborative and enthusiastic

If you are interested, please send an application, including CV and a cover letter
describing interests and qualifications related to the position and contact details
of two reference people, to Victor Vilarrasa,, before 30th
of April, 2022. Selection will be performed on the basis of the excellence of the
CV and motivation.

More information on this flyer.

Prague Geotechnical Days 2022 with Prague Geotechnical Lecture by prof. Cino Viggiani

Everyone is cordially invited to attend Prague Geotechnical Days 2022, scheduled for May 23-24, which include Prague Geotechnical Lecture by prof. Cino Viggiani entitled “Recent Developments in Laboratory Testing of Geomaterials with Emphasis on Imaging Processes”. More details can be found at

The programme can be seen below or in this picture.

Continue reading

University of Strathclyde – 2-year Research Associate

The Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering seeks to recruit a talented researcher to a 24-month Research Associate position. The new Associate is required to demonstrate research experience in either Soil Mechanics, Soil Science or Plant Science. Within this project the Research Associate will work on a bioinspired system that uses emerging materials and concepts in geotechnical engineering to mimic the wicking mechanisms that plants use for transpiration. This position is funded by the EPSRC New Investigator Awards project: An ‘energy free’ pump: nanoporous gels to passively lift subsurface water” led by Dr Matteo Pedrotti.

The aim of the project is to develop a bioinspired pump capable of passively lifting subsurface water, from depths of tens-to hundreds of meters, using only energy that is provided naturally by the atmosphere. Through the design of a colloidal silica-based hydrogel that can be injected into soils and rocks, a soil-hydrogel network will be created that has an increased soil hydraulic conductivity and water retention capacity during periods of high negative soil water pressure, thus enabling the passive lifting of water from the deep groundwater table to near-surface soils during periods of drought. Providing a zero-energy engineering solution at the nexus between water, energy and food.

The project will tackle three specific challenges: to manipulate the hydrogel properties so that a sufficient water flux is provided over a desired range of negative pore water pressure values, whilst still maintaining injectability (a low initial viscosity and controllable gel time); to create a continuous, durable network of nanopores within the grouted soil that is resistant to repeated cycles of wetting and drying, i.e. the system must not irreversibly cavitate (form cracks or bubbles) at high negative water pressure, or the long-term hydraulic continuity will be lost; to demonstrate that plants can thrive when connected to an “Energyfree water pump”.

More information on this pdf file.

PhD Position in Volcanology, mechanics in France, Université Clermont Auvergne, Laboratoire Magmas et Volcans

We are opening a PhD position in geology and geomechanics at Université Clermont Auvergne, Laboratoire Magmas et Volcans, France.The main objective of the PhD project is to model the fracturing processes occurring in volcanique edifices, by a numerical model using Discrete Element Method.We are looking forward to receiving applications from highly-motivated candidates with a Master’s degree in geology, geomechanics, civil engineering, mechanics or physics with a specific motivation for volcanology, modeling, programming. The position is funded for 3 years starting on Sept 2022. The call expires on the 30th of April 2022.

The full PhD proposal is on this pdf file (FRENCH) and on this pdf file (ENGLISH).

Interested candidates can write to:

8th International Conference on Debris Flow Hazard Mitigation – Call for abstract


Contributions to the Conference will be in the form of an Extended Abstract (2 to 4 pages). The Extended Abstract should clearly indicate the originality and the relevance of the contribution. Rules and Instructions reported below.


  • The Conference programme will include selected oral communications and poster presentations.
  • Extended abstracts must be submitted, using the conference template, through the on-line conference submission system. Extended abstracts submitted by other means will not be accepted.
  • Extended abstracts will be reviewed by the International Organizing Committee and external peer reviewers.
  • Authors can indicate the most appropriate topic for their contribution as well as their preferred method of presentation. The International Organizing Committee reserves the right to reassign the accepted extended abstract to a more appropriate topic and/or method of presentation.
  • It is anticipated that the extended abstract will be published in the conference proceedings provided that at least one author is registered to the conference.
  • Only one extended abstract for each presenting author will be admitted. 


  • All extended abstracts must be written in clear English with grammar and spelling of a quality suitable for publication and submitted in PDF format, using the conference template (download at the bottom of this page)
  • Extended abstract instructions are available on the abstract template. 

Download here the template

Submit your extended abstract


February 7, 2022: Opening of the Call for Extended Abstract
June 30, 2022: Deadline Extended Abstract submission 
January 10, 2023: Deadline revised Extended Abstract submission 
February 1, 2023: Registration opening 
March 1, 2023: Registration deadline of presenting authors
April 1, 2023:Early bird registration deadline

See more on

PhD Position at Université de Lorraine

The LEMTA’s soil mechanics research team seeks a PhD on the following subject: “Applications of Artificial Intelligence for deciphering strength development of binder-soil mixtures in the context of soil stabilization”

The research team developed over the past two decades a thorough knowledge concerning the stabilized soils’ behavior with outstanding laboratory equipment ( [7-11]. A considerable database has been constructed including experimental data from different geotechnical tests (UCS, triaxial and shear box, oedometer, permeability…). An extensive testing program is currently running to investigate the impact of multiple wetting-drying cycles on the mechanical performance to explore the treatment durability issue.

The PhD objectives can be summarized by: (i) optimizing the database structure to make it appropriate for generating the training, testing and validation datasets for AI/ML models; (ii) perform statistical data analysis to give insight of the correlations and tendencies for selecting the best candidate predictors from the datasets; (iii) using AI techniques (including ANN and Deep Learning) to develop predictive models for post-curing properties including long-term behavior and (iv) develop and validate data-driven design tools for engineering practice.

Contact information:
Supervisor: Prof. Olivier CUISINIER,
Co-supervisor: Dr. Adel ABDALLAH,

More information on this pdf file.

PhD thesis in the GEM Institute, Nantes

The GEM institute, Nantes University (France), is looking for a candidate for a PhD thesis as part of the ANR (French National Research Agency) project PERSÉE (Permeability evolution of granular soils in an internal erosion context). The aim of this PhD thesis is to develop a model to predict the evolution of the permeability of granular soils during the suffusion process. Such a model needs to take into account the evolution of the granular micro-structure (pore size and constriction size distributions). The PhD thesis is described in the attached pdf file.

The interested candidate can apply by filling the questionnaire on the link below:

The deadline for the application is April 20th 2022.

We are looking forward to receiving your applications.

Chair of Junior Professor at École des Ponts ParisTech, Laboratoire Navier

We are opening a tenure track position (6 years) in the field of Geomechanics for energy at École des Ponts ParisTech, Navier laboratory, France. The application from young researchers is particularly encouraged.

Deadline for application: 16 May 2022.

More information on the project and the application process here: