PhD position in offshore geotechnical engineering

You are interested in the development of offshore wind energy and have a passion for geotechnical engineering? This PhD position is for you.

We are looking for a motivated PhD student to work on the “Design of shared anchors for offshore floating renewables”. Many wind farms will be floating in the future to harvest more energy in deep waters. Shared anchors are a potential solution to reduce their overall installation cost, by reducing the number of anchors to be installed. However, the complex loading that is applied to them by several mooring lines could lead to their premature failure.

In this PhD, you will use the brand-new geotechnical centrifuge at the University of Southampton to experimentally simulate the cyclic loading of shared anchors. You will combine those experiments with advanced numerical modelling to better understand the shared anchor behaviour and propose guidance for industry.

All details about the application are available here:

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