PhD Position (ENPC) on the hydromechanical-gas behaviour of clay materials

Experimental and numerical study on the hydromechanical-gas behaviour of clay materials

Research project

Clay materials have been considered as potential candidate for closure structures in high-level radioactive waste repositories. In spite of several studies investigating its hydro-mechanical behaviour, the kinetics of the re-saturation process and the development of swelling pressure of clay materials, observed in the large-scale experiments during long periods (e.g. several years), can still not be accurately predicted by the existing numerical models. Besides, its behaviour under the development of gas pressure, induced by corrosion of ferrous materials under anoxic conditions, is still not well understood.

This project aims at investigating the hydromechanical behaviour of clay materials under re-saturation following injection of gas at high pressure. Advanced laboratory experiments (using X-ray microtomography and magnetic resonance imaging) will be first used to observe these processes at various scales. The experimental results will be then used to develop and validate numerical models to predict the behaviour of clay materials at the field structure scale.

Candidates profile

Candidates should have strong background on geomechanics and be interested in both experimental and numerical approaches.

Candidates must be under 26 years of age on October 1, 2021. For administrative reasons, candidates must be citizens of the European Union.

Contact and application

The application (including CV and motivation letter) should be sent to Dr. Anh Minh TANG ( before March 15, 2021.

Ioannis Vardoulakis PhD Prize 2021

The Bureau of ALERT Geomaterials has decided to fund the Ioannis Vardoulakis PhD Prize 2021. Since 2016, the PhD prize is entitled Ioannis Vardoulakis PhD Prize to commemorate Prof. Vardoulakis and his contributions to research and teaching in the field of Geomechanics.

The participation to the prize is open to all the PhD students coming from institutions belonging to ALERT, that have discussed their PhD thesis in 2020. The deadline for the applications is 31st March, 2021.

The rules, agenda and further details are to be found on the Alert website:

We draw your attention to a modification of the rules as follows: applicants whose thesis is not written in English must provide an English translation of the table of contents and the table of figures of the thesis.

Researcher position at the Gustave Eiffel University (Nantes campus, France)

One position of “Researcher in Geotechnical Engineering : physical and numerical modelling” is available at the Gustave Eiffel University, Nantes campus, France.

The application is open until the 19th March 2021 (

More  information in the attached file.

PhD position in Geotechnical Engineering at Lund University

Lund University welcomes applicants for a PhD position at the division of Geotechnical Engineering (LTH). The project will investigate the mechanical properties of clay till in drained condition. In particular an experimental characterization of clay till from different sites in the region of Skåne in south Sweden will be performed. The aim is to carry out a systematic laboratory test campaign to provide quality results, in terms of intern friction angle and effective cohesion, to be used as benchmark for the empirical relations used to derive these quantities from most common field tests. Based on the results of the experimental campaign, improvements to the existing relations or new relations will be suggested. Furthermore, to fully understand the role of stiff inclusions, typical of clay till, advanced experimental techniques such as x-ray computed tomography, will be used.

Applications should be submitted by the 23th of March 2021.

More information available at

One joint PhD position (Ecole des Ponts-UCLouvain) and one PhD position-teaching assistant opening in Geomechanics at UCLouvain (Belgium)

Applications are welcomed for two PhD positions starting in September 2021.

The first position is a joint PhD position between Ecole des Ponts ParisTech (France) and UCLouvain (Belgium). The focus of the project is on the mechanism of grain crushing and the environmental factors affecting this phenomenon. More information in the attached file

The second position is PhD-teaching assistant position at UCLouvain. The objective of the PhD research will be to study the different multi-physical mechanisms affecting the flank collapses around volcanoes. More information in the attached file

Post doctoral position at INERIS

Ineris proposes a post-doctoral position on the understanding and modelling of THMC processes in deep geothermal systems.

The postdoctoral position is offered in the Natural Hazards, Underground structures and storages unit within the Site and Territory Division. This post-doctoral is expected to begin on 15th March 2021 for 6 months.

For more information, please check the document enclosed.

PhD position in Granular Mechanics (Montpellier/Montreal)

We are inviting students to apply for a PhD position in Granular Mechanics in co-tutelle between the research group of Pr. Emilien Azéma at University of Montpellier (France) and Pr. Carlos Ovalle’s research group at Polytechnique Montreal (Canada). We are interested in failure strength of anisotropic geo-materials.

Please see the attached file for more information.

TUSAIL training network: 15 PhD positions in numerical modelling of industrial granular materials

The European Training Network TUSAIL (Training in Upscaling particle Systems: Advancing Industry across Length-scales) invites applications for 15 PhD positions. The duration of the appointment is 36 months, full-time employment contract, starting around September 2021.

TUSAIL is a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Initial Training Network funded by Horizon 2020, which comprises 16 academic and industrial partners in total, led by the University of Edinburgh. Over the course of four years, from the beginning of the project in March 2021, TUSAIL will train 15 early-career researchers to meet industry’s requirements for highly skilled staff in the multi-disciplinary field of upscaling industrial particle processes. The reliable, validated simulation methodologies and tools developed in TUSAIL will be disseminated to industry, enabling quantitative predictions of large industrial processes which will be of value for design, operation, and optimisation.

If you are interested in doing a PhD with us, we invite you to take a look at the project descriptions and application procedure (see

Online symposium on “Cement sheath integrity in oil & gas wells” – 24-26 March 2021

Dear colleagues,

We are delighted to announce an online symposium on “Cement sheath integrity in oil & gas wells, current challenges and future solutions” in the afternoons (European time) of March 24-26, 2021, co-organized by Ecole des Ponts ParisTech and LafargeHolcim.

Registration is free but mandatory by March 14, 2021, on the website of the symposium:

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