Election of the ALERT Board of Directors

The election of the new ALERT Board of Directors (BoD) will take place in Aussois 29-30 September 2014, during the ALERT workshop. The BoD is composed of 15 members elected by the General Assembly. Each Institution has one vote. The vote is cast by the ALERT named representative of the Institution (whose name is specified on the ALERT website), or by another person belonging to the same Institution, delegated by written mandate by the named representative.

As foreseen by the ALERT Internal Regulations, candidatures must be submitted by a simple e-mail to the address of the ALERT Director. All permanent teachers, researchers and technicians belonging to an ALERT member Institution are eligible candidates for the BoD. The deadline for the candidatures is 15 September 2014.

Research Associate position at The University of Texas at Austin

The Jackson School of Geosciences at The University of Texas at Austin (UT) invites applications for a Research Associate position in the area of Geomechanics. We look for expertise in geomechanical numerical modeling and soil/rock mechanics, and experience modeling fluid flow in conjunction with large deformations. Qualifying applicants should have up to 10 years of research experience. For more details, please see attached pdf.

ALERT Workshop 2014 – extended deadline

The deadline for the submission of abstracts for the Sessions 2 and 3 of the ALERT Workshop 2014 (25th Edition) has been extended up to May 31, 2014! Please submit your abstracts by email directly to the coordinators using the Workshop abstract form (doc, odt, pdf). The submission of the abstracts for the Session 1 is closed!

Session 2 (Tuesday, September 30)
Railway geomechanics
Coordinators: Antonis Zervos and Farhang Radjai
(a half-day exploratory workshop)

Session 3 (Wednesday, October 1)
Multiphysics coupling
Coordinators: Robert Charlier, Lorenzo Sanavia and Jean Vaunat

The presentation can also be submitted as a poster.