EURO:TUN 2013 in Bochum

EURO:TUN 2013 is the third conference of a series of successful conferences started in 2007 in Vienna. EURO:TUN 2013 expands the range of topics from the specific area of simulation models for tunneling towards computational models and methods for related areas of subsurface engineering such as mining, caverns and subsurface storage facilities.
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Marie Curie Experienced Researcher Fellowship in Characterization and Modelling of Creep Processes in Peat

A 12 month Post-Doc (or equivalent) position is offered at Deltares (Unit Geo-engineering), Delft, the Netherlands, with regard to the creep properties of soils, in particular peat. Activities will include laboratory testing and test development of samples of in particular peat, and use, evaluation and improvement of numerical models (finite strain as well as finite element) which include viscous effects. See more details.