Workshop Experimental Micromechanics for Geomaterials

A joint workshop of the ISSMGE TC101-TC105: Experimental Micromechanics for Geomaterials will be held on 23rd-24th May 2013 at The University of Hong Kong.

Abstracts are now invited, until the 1st October 2012. They should be 200-300 words in length, written in English, and show relevance to the theme of the workshop. Abstracts should be sent to Ms Bridget Lam. Email: (subject: EXP MICRO 2013). See also the attached flyer.

International Workshop on “Advances in Multiphysical Testing of Soils and Shales”

The 3rd announcement (preliminary programme) for the International Workshop on “Advances in Multiphysical Testing of Soils and Shales” to be held in Lausanne (Switzerland) on 3-5 September 2012 is available now. 45 oral presentations (including 6 keynote lectures) are scheduled. Additional information may be found on the workshop website (

Course on Soil and Rock Erosion at the ICSE-6 Int. Congress

Course on Soil and Rock Erosion at the ICSE-6 Int. Congress (Paris, August, 2012)

Monday 27, morning : The influence of Turbulence on Soil Erosion.
by Gijs Hoffmans, Deltares, The Netherlands

Monday 27, afternoon (title to come)
by Erik Bollaert, Aquavision, Switzerland

Tuesday 28, morning: On the modelling of internal and surface erosion
by Stephane Bonelli, Irstea, Geomechanics Group, France

Tuesday 28, afternoon
Visit of the hydraulic laboratories LNHE and St Venant (upon registration)

Online information at

EURO:TUN 2013 in Bochum

EURO:TUN 2013 is the third conference of a series of successful conferences started in 2007 in Vienna. EURO:TUN 2013 expands the range of topics from the specific area of simulation models for tunneling towards computational models and methods for related areas of subsurface engineering such as mining, caverns and subsurface storage facilities.
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