PhD at Centrale Nantes and ULiège: Modeling unstable gas infiltration through initially saturated geomaterials

The detailed subject is presented in the attached file.

The PhD will be carried out at Ecole Centrale de Nantes and Université de Liège under the co-supervision of  Giulio SCIARRA, Frédéric COLLIN and Panagiotis KOTRONIS.

To apply, please follow the link

PhD position at University Grenoble Alpes / 3SR laboratory

A PhD position is currently open at University Grenoble Alpes / 3SR laboratory, for the multiscale study of the temperature-dependent behavior of cement-based materials. Please find attached a file that contains all the details about this opportunity, including the project objectives, application process and contact details.

The successful candidate will work on developing advanced computational models for the characterization of the behavior of cement-based materials under high-temperature conditions. The research team is seeking a highly motivated candidate with a strong background in material science, mechanics, civil engineering or a related field.

SFI Frontiers for the Future Programme for excellent independent researchers

Geotechnical / Mechanical Engineering at University College Cork

A PhD position on “Geotechnical big data monitoring and assessment tools for evaluating whole-life performance of underground infrastructure” is now open at University College Cork.

This project will develop and improve the aforementioned two novel tools (distributed fibre optic sensing, drone, robotics and image-based defect assessment) for geo-infrastructure monitoring in collaboration with Cambridge University, UC Berkeley, Tyndall and industrial partners. The developed novel monitoring tools will be applied to 2-4 ageing & prospective underground infrastructures in a large scale to gather more comprehensive monitoring big data than previously available at lower cost.

More information in the attached pdf.

PhD positions at the University of Newcastle (Australia)

Are you a passionate and driven individual interested in mining geomechanics? The University of Newcastle, Australia, in partnership with Glencore, one of the world’s largest globally diversified natural resource companies, is pleased to offer two fully-funded PhD scholarships in this exciting field. As a successful candidate, you will have the opportunity to work alongside leading experts in academia and industry, using cutting-edge technology to develop innovative solutions to real-world challenges. You will also benefit from state-of-the-art facilities and a supportive academic environment, as well as gain valuable industry experience and networking opportunities. We are seeking highly motivated and committed candidates with a strong academic background and a demonstrated commitment to research excellence. If you have a passion for mining geomechanics and are ready to take the next step in your academic career, we encourage you to apply today and join us on this exciting journey.

For more information about the two positions please check the two following links:

Applications close 28th of April.

Joint PhD position at Polytechnique Montreal and Université de Montpellier.

“Multi-scale approach to study the effect of fines content and particle shape on static liquefaction potential of loose mine tailings”

The main objective of the proposed PhD project is to develop a general multi-scale framework to assess the static liquefaction potential of loose tailings as a function of fines content and grain shape, based on experimental testing and numerical DEM simulations.

We offer a fully-funded 4-year PhD position, as part of a collaboration between academic institutions, Polytechnique Montréal (Canada) and Université de Montpellier (France), and industrial partners SRK Consulting (Canada) and Peñoles Mining Company (Mexico).

We invite the candidates to send a detailed CV to Prof. Carlos Ovalle ( & Prof. Emilien Azéma (

More information in the attached pdf.

Job offering : Junior Professor Chair at University Savoie Mont Blanc

Dear Colleagues,

You will find enclosed the announcement for a Junior Professor Chair entitled “Mathematics for the analysis and modeling of complex processes related to natural risks”, at University Savoie Mont Blanc (Bourget du Lac, France).

The Junior Professor will be affected to the Laboratory of Maths (LAMA), in association with the Institute of Earth Sciences (ISTerre).

Do not hesitate to broadcast this announcement in your internal networks.

Best regards,

University of Cambridge – Soil Mechanics Position

Applications are invited for a University Assistant/Associate Professor in Soil Mechanics/Geotechnical Engineering in the Geotechnical and Geo-Environmental Group of the Department of Engineering of the University of Cambridge.

A short description of the post can be found at:

Informal enquiries regarding the post may be made to Professor Gopal Madabhushi (<>)

One PhD position at Grenoble INP – UGA / 3SR Laboratory, France

A PhD position at Grenoble INP – UGA / 3SR laboratory is open and we are now looking for motivated candidates with a strong scientific interest in numerical modelling of geomaterials. This project will focus on the understanding of the link between the natural and acquired heterogeneities in geomaterials, with a particular look on the strain localization.

More informations about the proposal and the application process can be found in the attached pdf file.

The closing date for the applications is April 30th, 2023.

Two Postdoctoral Positions in Geotechnical Centrifuge Modelling/Multi physics Modeling at Zhejiang University

Two postdoctoral positions are now open at Zhejiang University. The main focus is on the geotechnical problems in offshore geotechnics and CO2 geological sequestrations, particularly in the areas relating to centrifuge physical modelling and multiple phase coupling, characterization and modelling of marine sediments (including gas hydrate bearing sediments), offshore foundations, pipeline geotechnics and offshore geo-hazards. Experience with simulation software such as TOUGH2, Abaqus and MFiX will be a plus.

Continue reading

Two PhD positions are opened at INRAE Aix-en-Provence France

Two PhD positions are opened at INRAE Aix-en-Provence France for next fall 2023.

PhD proposal on Flow kinematic in 3D porous media.

The research unit RECOVER from INRAE is pleased to invite applications of talented and motivated candidates for a PhD (3 years) dedicated to the experimental characterization of the flow kinematic within 3D porous media, to uncover the effect of local heterogeneities on transport processes.

The PhD is fully funded by the Department AQUA from INRAE, and is expected to start in October 2023 (with some flexibility), and the successful candidate will be supervised by Mathieu SOUZY and Pierre PHILIPPE.

More information is available here: 

Keywords: 3D porous media, experiments, direct visualization techniques, transport process, flow kinematic, pore scale

PhD proposal on multi-scale geomechanics: Advanced micromechanical models for poly-dispersed granular materials.

The research unit RECOVER from INRAE is pleased to invite applications of talented and motivated candidates for a PhD (3 years) dedicated to the development of a new class of multi-scale constitutive models for widely graded materials. This PhD proposal is part of project MiMoDiM (2022-2026) supported by the French National Research Agency (ANR):

The PhD is expected to start in October 2023 (with some flexibility). The PhD candidate will be supersized by Antoine WAUTIER (INRAE), Mehdi POURAGHA (Carleton University), and François NICOT (USMB).

More information is available here: 

Keywords: statistical homogenization, discrete element simulations, physics informed artificial neural networks, mechanical stability

Looking forward to received excellent applications!
Antoine Wautier and Mathieu Souzy