Getting to Aussois by train

Dear all,

For those of you who are registered to the workshop and school in Aussois, and come by train, a bus has been planned to pick you up at the station at around 19h00, Sunday 26 September.

A bus will also be planned to drive you back to the station at the end of the school but more information will arrive later.

See you soon in Aussois !

International Young Professionals Workshop on Road-Rail Infrastructure (Hybrid), 26th November 2021, Sydney

The Transport Research Centre is organising the International Young Professionals Workshop on Road-Rail Infrastructure (Hybrid), 26th November 2021, Sydney, as we are now taking Registrations (

The workshop will showcase the recent advances in the field of Transport Infrastructure with special reference to ground engineering and the utilisation of novel construction materials. Research students and young professionals will present a range of emerging themes focused on the advancement of rail geotechnology and pavement engineering, including topics covering soil-structure interaction, embankment and substructure design, track construction materials, ground improvement and moving load dynamics.

We invite you all to check the Programme at our website

For further information, please contact

Tec 21 Winter school on “Multi scale approaches and multiphysics couplings in fluid and solid mechanics » (5th Edition)

Grenoble – 31st January to 4th February 2022

Important societal issues require to solve problems of increasing complexity. A key vector of progress relies on multi-scale and multi-physics approaches. The objective of the winter school is to review the different approaches, numerical and experimental techniques to tackle the complexity of today’s engineering problems. All the courses are illustrated through various up-to-date examples. Two days are devoted to practical laboratory work on «high-tech demonstrators» , combining experiments and numerical modeling. The last day  of the school is dedicated to a particular theme. This year this day will be dedicated to “mechanics at the nanoscale”.

• Web Page:

The number of participants is limited and registrations are subject to availability. Registration dead line: 31st December 2021.

The Organizing Committee
Contact :

PhD Positions at Westlake University, Hangzhou, China

We are now seeking highly motivated PhD students to conduct advanced research topics associated with geoenergy, geoenvironment and geohazards in Westlake University (a brandnew high-level research institution in China).
Dr. Sergio’s M3 Lab has the expertise, and in-house codes, on several areas of computational, physical and theoretical modelling of complex processes commonly found in Civil, Environmental and Mining Engineering.

Research Topic

The PhD program mainly focuses on interactions between solid, liquid and gas phases at microscopic scale during the processs of gas transport in saturated granular materials. Both experimental and numerical studies will be conducted to understand the complex multiphysical process. The Lab provides advanced experimental facility and in-house code (MECHSYS: to perform the research. The outcome of the research is expected to be beneficial to the gas hydrate development, carbon dioxide sequestration and solid waste disposal, etc.

How to apply

Please contact Professor Sergio Torres ( with your CV and transcripts.

Useful Links

Dr. Sergio’s M3 Lab
Westlake University


Dear ALERT community,

As you may know, the registration for the ALERT Workshop and School 2021 is open! The preliminary program of the Workshop and School is available here.

It was decided to propose you two alternatives for your registration to the workshop and doctoral school: either you can come and participate in Aussois, or you can attend those remotely.

UNFORTUNATELY, the number of participants that can come to Aussois is limited to 160, and has been reached. The only registration possible from now on is therefore remotely.


As a reminder, the restrictions for entering France will depend on your country of departure and your vaccination status (more information here and here).

Your stay (and access) at the CNRS “Centre Paul Langevin” where the event takes place is conditional on the presentation of a HEALTH PASS upon your arrival. This means that you must have at least one of the following documents:

  • A vaccination certificate (provided you have a complete vaccination schedule);
  • A negative test (RT-PCR or antigen of less than 48 hours). For unvaccinated travelers from Cyprus, Spain, Greece, Malta, the Netherlands and Portugal, a negative PCR or antigen test of less than 24 hours is required;
  • A certificate of recovery from Covid-19 (RT-PCR or positive antigen test dated at least 11 days and less than 6 months).

More information can be found here. For members of “green list countries” (see the website), a sworn statement attesting to the absence of symptoms of covid-19 infection and contact with a confirmed case of covid-19 is also required. You can find it here.

Furthermore, the center has implemented a strict health protocol, providing for the wearing of masks in all premises and common areas in order to guarantee the safety of all. The full health and safety protocol can be accessed here, please read it before your arrival.


Please read the hints in the registration form! After filling the form and pressing the button “Register”, a window will open with your invoice. Please print the window with the invoice for your records! You will also get an email with the registration data afterwards. If you are an ALERT members, the corresponding representative of your ALERT institution will receive the registration data too.

Click here to register for the ALERT Workshop and School 2021.

The deadline for the registration is the September 17th! 

Looking forward to (safely) meeting you in Aussois!

Mediterranean PhD School – Reminder

In the week 11 – 16 October 2021 the second edition of the Mediterranean PhD School will be held. It is organized by the Department of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering of the University of Naples Federico II. This year the event, which will focus on the theme “EUROPEAN GREEN DEAL. CONTRIBUTIONS FROM CIVIL, ARCHITECTURAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING”, will be held online and will be completely free of charge.

Regarding Geotechnical Engineering, the lectures will be held by Professors Antonio Gens (UPC Barcelona) and Lyesse Laloui (EPFL Lausanne). The works will end with a round table discussion coordinated by Prof. Gianpiero Russo (University of Naples Federico II).

PhD students, in addition to attending lectures, will participate in application activities. By registering by September 17, they will be able to present scientific contributions relevant to the theme of the School, which is dedicated to the European Green Deal and the transition to zero climate impact engineering (e.g. Geothermal energy and its applications) and develop an exercise project. There are prizes of 600 euros each for the best 8 presentations and 3000 euros for the group that will have developed the best project.

More information at the link: Mediterranean PhD School – DICEA – Department of Excellence ( where in the “Documents” section, it is possible to download: the lessons program in excel format (Timetable) and the application form.

PhD student position (piling) at KTH, Sweden

KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, Sweden, is searching for a doctoral student to be employed at the Division of Soil and Rock Mechanics. The work tasks are related to doctoral studies leading to a Licentiate degree, if the study plan is followed. (Opportunity to continue working to a PhD degree is very likely to be offered, but cannot be completely guaranteed at this point. Licentiate is an intermediate degree.) The studies are connected to the research project “Piling in soil with high boulder content: study of pile refusal in different soil types”. Driven piles in till or esker material often encounter boulders. This can cause structural failure to the pile, causing delays and additional costs. However, assessing the probability of pile refusal is challenging and existing tools are simplistic. The purpose of the research project is to develop a methodology for assessment of the risk for pile refusal in different soil types and for different pile driving equipment. This should facilitate cost-effective pile driving, minimizing delays and material use.

The work tasks include case studies of piling work, analytical, numerical and probabilistic calculation modelling, field work, writing scientific articles, taking postgraduate courses, and teaching. The employment comes with a competitive salary in line with what is offered to newly graduated engineers working in the Swedish construction industry. The vacancy ad and further details about the project and the employment can be found here: KTH Vacancies

2 Ph.D. student positions – EPFL/LMS

The Laboratory of Soil Mechanics (LMS) at the School of Architecture, Civil and Environmental Engineering at EPFL Switzerland is seeking 2 Ph.D. students to enhance our geomechanical knowledge and predictive capabilities of the mechanical behavior of engineered geological barriers.

The 2 Ph.D. students will have to gain insights into the mechanical behavior of compacted expansive clays for different mechanical loads and under different environmental conditions. They will have to develop advanced experimental campaigns and appropriate theoretical and numerical modeling tools.

LMS focuses its research activities on the protection from geo-hazards and industrial damage to the environment, landforms, and structures. Our experimental and modeling resources are mobilized to understand, describe and predict the environmental impact of the technologies of future days, such as nuclear waste disposal, petroleum and gas exploitation, transportation and storage, methane hydrate technology, CO2 geological sequestration, and energy technologies related to heat storage. The LMS is directed by Prof. Lyesse Laloui (more information about the LMS and its current research can be found at With specific reference to the program of which the two Ph.D. students will be part, the research activities will be crucial for suitably designing and adopting engineered geological barriers internationally.

More information in this .pdf file.

Please send your application as soon as possible with the subject line «Application for Ph.D. position 2021» to in a single pdf file containing all the required information. It shall include your CV and a letter of motivation. Additional documents could be needed at a later stage.

Energy Geotechnics Webinar Series

On behalf of the organisers, Budi Zhao (UCD) and Zhongxuan Yang (ZJU), we are delighted to invite you to Energy Geotechnics Webinar Series (weekly or biweekly from Sep to Dec, 2021). 

The webinar aims to promote Energy Geotechnics research and will cover the following topics:
• Offshore foundation
• Carbon geological storage
• Shallow/deep geothermal
• Nuclear waste disposal
• Methane hydrate

The first three speakers are (More details on posters):
Prof. Antonio Gens on nuclear waste disposal (10 am, CEST, 10th Sep, Friday): Tencent Meeting Link –
Prof. Richard Jardine on offshore foundation (10 am, CEST, 20th Sep, Monday): Tencent Meeting Link –
Prof. Holger Ott on carbon geological storage (10 am, CEST, 8th Oct, Friday): Tencent Meeting Link –

Posters in PDF:
Prof. Antonio GensProf. Richard JardineProf. Holger Ott

Invitation to the sixth lecture of AGERP’2021: Design of Foundations

The organising committee of Advancements in Geotechnical Engineering: From Research to Practice (AGERP) Lecture Series is pleased to invite you to the 6th lecture of the 2nd edition of AGERP Lecture Series (AGERP’21). The sixth lecture will be on ‘Design of Foundations‘. Both the talks of this Lecture will be delivered by Emeritus Professor Harry Poulos (University of Sydney, Australia).

Lecture 6 is scheduled to be hosted in two separate sessions on 23rd September 2021 and 24th September 2021 (Australian Eastern Standard Time-AEST) with registration for this lecture closing at 00:00, 22nd September 2021 (AEST).

You may find further info. and register (free but mandatory) here:

See this .pdf file for a summary of the information.

Dr. Partha Mishra and Professor Sarat Das, Convenor, AGERP Lecture Series