ALERT Doctoral School 2024

The programme of the 35th ALERT Doctoral School 2024 on “Numerical methods in geomechanics” is now available.

The coordinators of the school are:
Claudio Tamagnini (University of Perugia, Italy)
Lorenzo Sanavia (University of Padua, Italy)
Manuel Pastor (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain)

The main goal of this school is to provide PhD students with a sound knowledge of computational Geomechanics. The School will include lectures on:

  1. Basic: providing the fundamentals of the numerical techniques used
  2. Advanced and research: the students will learn special techniques to deal with non linear problems, dynamics, integration of constitutive equations.
  3. Practical. We believe that practise is fundamental when learning a computational technique. Therefore, we will provide a group of sessions where the students, with the help of instructors, will practise with the finite element code GeHoMadrid.

The detailed programme is available on this .pdf file (subject to change).

The registration to both the workshop and the doctoral school should open in the next week.

5 thoughts on “ALERT Doctoral School 2024

  1. Hello,
    I am a Ph.D. student in Canada and I am going to attend this workshop with my professor and research group in Aussois. I was wondering is it possible to have a companion (my husband) during this workshop? Is there any accommodation available for people who are not registered for the conference? or how does the meal plans work if he wants to stay with me?
    I heard that Aussois is a village like. So, is there any restaurants or hotels there?

    Thank you in advance for your help.

    • Dear Mina,

      It is of course possible to come with your husband. There are two solutions for that: (i) you can mention on your registration that you want to have a double room with your husband, and contact the Centre Paul-Langevin yourself for the details, or (ii) you can book a room in a hotel by yourself. The first option seems to be the easiest one in my opinion, that way you both have a room in the Centre where the workshop takes place and you will both have access to the restaurant of the Centre.

      Kind regards,

  2. Pingback: Registration for the ALERT Workshop and School 2024 is OPEN! | Alert Geomaterials

  3. Pingback: REMINDER – Registration for the ALERT Workshop and School 2024 is OPEN! | Alert Geomaterials

  4. Pingback: LAST REMINDER – Registration for the ALERT Workshop and School 2024 – Deadline 1 Sept. | Alert Geomaterials

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