« Clayey geomaterials from micro to macroscale » Euroclay 2019 – Paris

Dear colleagues,

I would like to draw your attention on a geological/geomechanical session in the next Euroclay conference which will take place in Paris from 1st to 5th July 2019 (website).

This session entitled “Geotechnical characterisation of clayey geomaterials from micro to macroscale : the role of microstructure and anisotropy” is organized by Prof. Pierre Delage (Ecole des Ponts ParisTech), Dr. Myriam Duc (IFSTTAR), Prof. Christopher Spiers (Utrecht University) and myself.
Our main objective is to bring together geotechnical/geomechanical engineers, clay scientists and material scientists working on problems related to the characterisation of clayey geomaterials at different scales with a focus on the following topics: (i) Quantitative characterisation of microstructure: imaging/physico-chemical techniques and statistical approaches to characterize the microstructure and the anisotropy of clayey geomaterials; (ii) Experimental and theoretical methods to interpret geotechnical/geomechanical properties in terms of microstructural parameters.

We would like to encourage you to submit an abstract for our session. Online abstract submission is now open in the link and closes *** 31 January 2019***

Looking forward to receiving your abstracts and seeing you in Paris!

Best regards,

PhD position at the Institute of Geotechnical Engineering and Construction Management, Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH), Hamburg, Germany

Applications are invited for an open PhD position at Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH) within the research training group GRK 2462 “Processes in natural and technical Particle-Fluid-Systems” (PintPFS), founded by the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft DFG).

In the framework of the graduate school, Particle-Fluid-Systems are investigated in an interdisciplinary approach, combining the expertise of researchers from the fields of civil engineering, process engineering, mechanical engineering and materials research as well as a multitude of experimental and numerical research methods. PhD students are supposed to work on individual but interlinked research topics in an excellent research group accompanied by guest scientists, lectures and workshops as well as hard and soft skill seminars. The PhD project at the Institute of Geotechnical Engineering supervised by Prof. Jürgen Grabe is entitled:

Experimental and numerical investigation of PFS under consideration of capillary effects

For further information on the project, please contact Prof. Jürgen Grabe.

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Grabe
Institute of Geotechnical Engineering and Construction Management

Harburger Schloßstraße 20
21079 Hamburg

Phone: +49 40 42878 3762
E-Mail: grabe[at]tuhh.de

The full job advertisement with information for applicants can be found via the following link

PhD position at Heriot Watt University

Heriot Watt University is now accepting applications for a PhD opportunity on “The effects of fluid flow on the transport properties of faults in Enhanced Geothermal Systems”. Applications will be accepted until 1 February 2019. More information can be found at the link

2019 EMI International Conference. July 3-5, Lyon

Dear Colleagues, dear friends,

The 2019 EMI International Conference will be held at INSA Lyon, Villeurbanne, France during July 3-5 2019. This event will be a forum to present the newest findings and to depict the future development in Engineering Mechanics as the core discipline of science-enabled Civil and Mechanical Engineering understood in the broadest sense. The oral presentations will be dedicated to academia and to colleagues from companies who are interested in your achievements and who are willing to present their findings. Proposals for mini-symposia (MS) may be submitted until January 15 (an extra one more week might be acceptable). Then abstract submission will open on January 16 until March 15.  The topics are related to:

  • Biomechanics 
  • Computational Mechanics 
  • Composites 
  • Concrete 
  • Data analysis & Big data 
  • Dynamics Elasticity 
  • Experimental (Analysis & Instrumentation) 
  • Fluid Dynamics 
  • Geomechanics & Geotechnics
  • Mechanics of Pavements 
  • Modeling Inelasticity & Multiscale
  • Poromechanics 
  • Probabilistic Methods 
  • Properties of Materials
  • Risk Analysis & Mitigation / Resilience
  • Rock Mechanics
  • Granular, Clay & Powders
  • Stability 
  • Structural Health Monitoring  
  • Vibration & Control
  • Energy and Comfort in Urban Building

On behalf of the Local Organizing Committee and the International Scientific Committee, we welcome your MS proposals.
For more information about the conference, see: EMI-IC 2019 Mini-symposia.

Computational Models and Methods for Multiphysics Processes in Multiphase Porous Media – COUPLED PROBLEMS 2019

Dear Colleagues,

it is our pleasure to invite you to the Invited Session:

“Computational Models and Methods for Multiphysics Processes in
Multiphase Porous Media” (Invited Session Code: 34)

that we are organizing at the VIII International Conference on Coupled
Problems in Science and Engineering – COUPLED PROBLEMS 2019,
https://congress.cimne.com/coupled2019 . This ECCOMAS thematic
conference and IACM Special Interest Conference will be held on 3-5
June in Sitges, Barcelona.

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Two Academic Vacancies in the Geotechnics Section, Dept. Civil Engineering, Imperial College London

There are currently two open positions for academic staff at the lecturer/senior lecturer level within the Geotechnics Section of the Dept. Civil Engineering at Imperial College London. The first position has an emphasis on experimental soil mechanics, while the second position is for someone with an expertise in ground investigation and / or engineering geology.

Please find the details on these two positions at these weblinks:



Mini symposium ‘Micromechanics of rock deformation and its impact on rock-fluid system interactions’

A mini symposium, entitled ‘Micromechanics of rock deformation and its impact on rock-fluid system interactions’, is organised by Elli-Maria Charalampidou, Sergei Stanchits and Francesco Cecinato during the 12th HSTAM 2019 International Congress on Mechanics, which will take place in Thessaloniki (Greece) from the 22nd to the 25th of September 2019.

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Mini-symposium “Mechanics and Physics of Granular Materials” EMI2019 Caltech-Pasadena California

Dear Colleagues,

It is our pleasure to invite you to the Mini-symposium titled “Mechanics and Physics of Granular Materials” at the Engineering Mechanics Institute (EMI) Conference 2019, California Institute of Technology -Pasadena California, organized by the Granular Materials Committee members in the forthcoming EMI2019 conference.

The website of the conference is : http://emi2019.caltech.edu

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PhD position at The Institute of Petroleum Engineering. Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, UK

There is a PhD position open at The Institute of Petroleum Engineering at Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, UK, for Sept 2019 entry, on “Interplays of compressible gas, liquid phase and organic pore surfaces in shale pores, and their impacts on shale gas production: a pore-scale modelling study”. For details, please follow the link.

Also in the jobs website: link

2 PhD positions at Delft University of Technology

Applications are invited for 2 PhD students to be based within the Section of Geo-
Engineering, to work on the SOFTTOP research project funded by the Dutch Organisation for Research NWO, as part of the DeepNL research initiative. The study investigates how non-linearity and degradation of deltaic laminated sands and organic clays affect the dynamic response of soil layers, under the typical repeated but short duration loads from induced earthquakes. The study is based on experimental testing and numerical modelling, and includes a multiscale analysis of spatial variations in the subsoil. The aim of the project is to develop advanced models able to lead to more accurate predictions of deformations at the ground surface.

Faculty/department Civil Engineering and Geosciences
Level Master degree
Maximum employment 38-40 hours per week (1 FTE)
Duration of contract 4 years
Salary scale €2325 to €2972 per month gross

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