New tenure-track position on geotechnical engineering at Virginia Tech

The Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Virginia Tech is seeking to fill a tenure-track position in Geotechnical Engineering. The position is open at the Assistant Professor level. We have a very dynamic geotechnical program that has enjoyed continuous strong support from the Department and College, and we are excited about this opportunity to add a new member to our program.  

The successful candidate will have a Ph.D. degree in Civil Engineering or a closely aligned field, should demonstrate a strong commitment to scholarly work, sponsored research, mentoring students, undergraduate instruction, and specialized graduate education. The successful candidate will have a research focus on geological engineering or a closely related discipline, with a potential focus on application to rapidly emerging areas such as intelligent infrastructure, remote sensing, and/or analysis of large data sets for geotechnical engineering applications, among others. The capacity to obtain registration as a Professional Engineer (PE) is desirable, but not required.

The position announcement can be seen in this flyer. Additional information can be found at

Note that the review for this position will start on November 15, 2021. Please forward this announcement to your Ph.D. students and other qualified candidates.  Any questions can be directed to Prof. Adrian Rodriguez-Marek (

Fifth Webinar of CMFRGS

The organising committee of the “Computational Modelling for Future Research in Geoenvironmental Sciences” (CMFRGS) webinar series invites you to the 5th webinar entitled “SPH applications in geotechnical engineering and applied geology” presented by Dr Chong Peng from the University of Natural Resources, Vienna, Austria.

Webinar 5 is scheduled to be hosted at 9:00 am (CET), 8th November 2021 with registration for this webinar closing at 24:00 (CET), 5th November 2021.

You may find further info and register (free but mandatory) here: as well as on this flyer.

Dr Maziar Gholami Korzani, A/Prof Sergio Galindo Torres
CMFRGS organising committee

PhD positions at the University of Milan

The Department of Earth Sciences “A. Desio” of the University of Milan announces the availability of six industry co-funded PhD studentships on ‘Green’ research topics. All research projects are to be developed in collaboration with a company, where the prospective student will have to spend a period of 6 to 12 months.

The following two projects are of particular geomechanical interest: “Soil improvement treatments by resin injection” (contact: and “Experimental and numerical analysis of the thermal and thermo-mechanical behaviour of thermo-active sheet pile walls” (contact:

More details on the projects and instructions for applicants can be found on the attached flyer.

PhD position in Rock Mechanics at Université de Lorraine (France)

We are opening a PhD position in Geomechanics and Seismology at Université de Lorraine, GeoRessources laboratory, France.

The main objective of the phD project is to explore the relation between earthquake magnitude, fault properties and the capacity of a fracture rock mass to accumulate elastic strain during the seismic cycle. THe PhD candidate will work on both numerical and physical modeling.

We are looking forward to receiving applications from highly-motivated candidates with a Master’s degree in strucutral geology, geo-mechanics, civil engineering (or equivalent fields). The position is funded for 3 years. Applications should consist of a CV, a resume and 1 or 2 recommandation letters

The full PhD proposal can be found here :

Interested candidates can write to:

The call expires on November 2nd.

Postdoc position on spectral imaging

Together with Tescan, the DMEX center for X-ray Imaging is recruiting an postdoc (M/F) to investigate the potential of spectral imaging. The job is initially for two years and can result in a permanent position at Tescan.

Interested candidates can write to:

The call expires on October 24th and it is available here:

PhD position on Geomechanics of H2 storage

A position for a PhD in Geomechanics is open at Politecnico di Torino (Italy). The doctoral project will focus on geomechanical aspects of H2 storage in salt caverns and depleted reservoirs. The hydro-mechanical response of caprocks/reservoir rocks will be investigated accounting for fatigue and chemo-mechanical effects. The research programme will be carried out jointly with ENI E&P and the PhD student is expected to spend around one year in the industry, bridging the gap between academic research and industrial applications.

Interested candidates can write to:

The call expires on November 2nd and it is available here: Scudo | NOP Research and Innovation (

PhD position on Energy Geostructures at the University of Perugia

Applications are welcome for a PhD position at the University of Perugia (Italy) in the INTERNATIONAL DOCTORAL PROGRAM IN CIVIL AND ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING.

The main objective of the doctoral project is to promote energy systems for exploiting the geothermal resource. The PhD candidate will work on both the experimental and numerical modelling of the thermo-hydromechanical behavior of soils and on the development of energy geostructures for building retrofitting.

We are looking forward to receiving applications from highly-motivated candidates with a Master’s degree in civil engineering (or equivalent fields) obtained before 31/10/2021. The position is funded for 3 years starting from January 2022. Applications should consist of a CV and a short research proposal, and must be submitted at the following weblink:

The successful applicant will work under the supervision of Prof. Diana Salciarini (please email to for any additional information on this position you may need).

Deadline for applications: October 28th 2021.

International Conference “Processes in natural and technical Particle-Fluid-Systems” (PintPFS) in Hamburg

In the framework of Research Training Group GRK 2462 “Processes in Natural and Technical Particle- Fluid-Systems“ (PintPFS), funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG), researchers from the fields of civil engineering, mechanical engineering, process engineering and materials sciences investigate natural and technical Particle-Fluid-Systems in an interdisciplinary approach. GRK 2462 is formed by eight professors from Hamburg University of Technology leading the PhD research projects of eight junior scientists. In this international conference the Research Training Group brings together all associated scientists and external guest scientists to present and discuss research results of the first 3 year period. While the junior scientists give insights into their research work at TUHH, the international guest scientists will present on the corresponding state of the art in their related fields of research. Interested colleagues from research and industry are cordially invited to join the workshop.

Link to the Conference Website:

More information in this flyer.

PhD student position (dam engineering) at KTH, Sweden

KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden, is searching for a doctoral student to the Division of Soil and Rock Mechanics. The work tasks are related to doctoral studies leading to a Licentiate degree, if the study plan is followed. (Opportunity to continue working to a PhD degree is very likely to be offered, but cannot be completely guaranteed at this point. Licentiate is an intermediate degree.) The studies are connected to the research project “Safe Dams – Description of pore pressure and alarm thresholds for probabilistic assessment of sliding stability for concrete dams”. In sliding stability assessment of concrete dams, the uplift constitutes an important parameter. However, this parameter is associated with significant uncertainties. Existing methods for evaluation of sliding stability are simplified and need to be further developed. The objective of the project is to identify how uplift under dams should be described for different geological conditions and to develop methods for improved assessment of the sliding stability for concrete dams.

The work tasks include case studies of existing dams, evaluation of measurement data, analytical, numerical and probabilistic calculations, writing scientific articles, taking postgraduate courses, and teaching. The employment comes with a competitive salary in line with what is offered to newly graduated engineers working in the Swedish construction industry. The vacancy ad and further details about the project and the employment can be found here: KTH Vacancies.

PhD position on sustainable soil stabilisation at University of Genoa – Low-carbon Earth-based Materials for Building Applications (LEMBA)

Applications are welcome for a PhD position at University of Genoa (Italy). The main objective of this doctoral project is to devise sustainable and bio-based soil stabilisation methods to replace conventional and energy intensive alternatives (e.g. cement and/or lime stabilisation). The PhD candidate will work on both the experimental characterisation and modelling of the hydromechanical and hygrothermal behaviour of the stabilised soils. The PhD candidate will also spend a period of six months during the 2nd Year of the project at the company Envirosoil, based in the United Kingdom. The opportunity to apply a selected stabilisation method in the field is envisaged.

We are looking forward to receiving applications from highly-motivated and curious candidates with a First Class Master’s degree (or equivalent) in civil engineering with a specialisation in geomechanics or other relevant fields obtained before 31/10/2021.

The position is funded for 3 years commencing from January 2022 (starting date cannot be postponed).

Applications should consist of a CV and a research proposal of about 4-5 pages including short description of research interests, context of the proposed project, general overview, plan of research activities.

Applications must be submitted at the following weblink:

The successful applicant will work under the joint supervision of Pr Domenico Gallipoli and Dr Agostino Walter Bruno.

Deadline for applications: Mid-October

Contact details for further information: