Post-doc Position at the University of Southampton (UK): SEAMLESS ‘SharEd Anchor Multidirectional Load Envelopes with Strength Synthesis’

We are hiring a post-doc for a 12months project on shared anchors for floating offshore renewable energy technologies. The project will systematically investigate the cyclic behaviour of those anchors by geotechnical centrifuge modelling in the new National Infrastructure Laboratory. Centrifuge tests will be complemented by X-ray tomography to investigate the anchor failure mechanism. This is an excellent opportunity to work closely with the offshore industry on the future of offshore engineering, as the project has several industrial partners (NGI, EQUINOR, CORPOWER, Lloyds Register and ORE CATAPULT).

More details can be found in this file or on the site of the University of Southampton:

14th Euroconference on Rock Physics and Rock Mechanics – Last call for abstract

Dear ALERT Geomaterials community,

I hope you are all keeping well!

This is a wee reminder that the abstract submission for the 14th Euroconference on Rock Physics and Rock Mechanics has been extended to the 4th of July 2021.

To submit your abstract, please follow the instructions:

Moreover, the registration has now opened and you can register until the 20th of August 2021. You can find more info on our website:

We are looking forward to meeting you virtually on the 30th of August!

Best wishes,

Elma (on behalf of the organising committee).