IRN GeoMech workshop series on “hydromechanical instabilities”, Aix-en-Provence, May 2-3 2023

Dear colleagues,

In the framework of the IRN GeoMech and the INRAE department AQUA, we organise a workshop on “hydromechanical instabilities” in Aix-en-Provence the 2nd and 3rd of May 2023.

The main objective of this workshop is to review recent advances in the understanding of the elementary mechanisms of destabilization of granular materials and their impact on failure modes (e.g. liquefaction, strain localization).

The topics addressed during the workshop may be related, for instance, to the mechanical response and stability of geomaterials in the presence of capillary or solid bridges (sintering, bio-calcification, dissolution/precipitation, …), internal erosion (suffusion and clogging), surface erosion, etc.

You will find more information on the workshop and all practical details on the following page:

Please note that the workshop is as usual free of charge which includes meals and accommodation (see details on the web page).

For people presenting, we ask you to send an extended abstract (2-4 pages) ahead of the workshop so that we can publish a booklet.

Here is the registration link (before March 31st) :

We are looking forward to see you in Aix-en-Provence next spring and enjoy thriving scientific discussions in an outstanding natural setting at the foot of the “montagne Sainte-Victoire”.

Best regards

The local organizing committee: Antoine Wautier, Nadia Benahmed, Pierre Philippe (INRAE, UMR RECOVER)

WLF6 Call for Abstracts

Dear All,

We sent an application some months ago, later approved, about the Session 3.4 @ the next WLF6 ( to be held in Sept 2023, in Florence.

The WLF6 call for abstracts is open.

The abstract submission is only possible online at the following link:

The deadline is 28 February 2023.

All submitted abstracts will be reviewed by the scientific committee after the submission deadline. Acceptance will be notified to the presenting author within 15 May 2023.

We need to promote WLF6 abstract submission and to invite researchers to join Session 3.4:

Please find attached:

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SEG23: extended deadline for extended abstracts: 28th February

Dear Colleagues, 

We would like to announce an extended deadline of 28th February for the extended abstracts for the Symposium on Energy Geotechnics (SEG23) which will be held in Delft, 3-5 October 2023, organised under the auspices of the ISSMGE Technical Committee 308.

Please find more details of the conference on our conference and how to submit your extended abstract on our website: To encourage debate on the latest findings, we invite extended abstracts only (which will be peer reviewed), which will be published open access with their own digital online identifier (doi). No full-length papers will be requested. 

You can submit your extended abstract to one of our general sessions or one of the mini symposia which are listed below:

  • Energy Geotechnics for Underground Climate Change – convened by Alessandro Rotta Loria and Asal Bidarmaghz
  • Induced seismicity – convened by Peter Fokker 
  • Numerical analysis of energy geostructures – convened by Francesco Cecinato and Fleur Loveridge
  • Offshore Geotechnics – convened by Benjamin Cerfontaine and Anaïs Lovera
  • Gas migration in geomaterials – convened by Anne-Catherine Dieudonné, Séverine Levasseur and María Victoria Villar
  • Multiphysics and multiscale interactions in the context of energy storage and CO2 sequestration – convened by Gabriele Della Vecchia and Guido Musso

We are also delighted to announce that there will be two special issues based on contributions to the symposium in the highly regarded international journals:  Geomechanics for Energy and the Environment and Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology. Invitations will be extended to authors to extend their extended abstract into papers. The selection process will be announced in due course.

We look forward to welcoming you to Delft!

Best regards, 

The SEG23 organising committee

Mini-Symposium on Gas Migration in Geomaterials at SEG23 – Call for abstracts

A Mini-Symposium on “Gas Migration in Geomaterials” will be organised at the Symposium on Energy Geotechnics, to be held in Delft on 3-5 October 2023 (

This Mini-Symposium is designed as a forum for discussing recent developments and remaining challenges associated with gas migration in geomaterials. We welcome contributions that explore the topic from theoretical, experimental (laboratory and field) and/or numerical perspectives in any energy-related research area.

See the attached flyer for more information.

Submission deadline: February 28, 2023


Anne-Catherine Dieudonné (

Séverine Levasseur ( María Victoria Villar (

2nd International DECOVALEX Symposium on Coupled Processes in Radioactive Waste Disposal and Subsurface Engineering Applications

Troyes, France. 14-16 November 2023

Like the first DECOVALEX Symposium in 2019 (, the event will bring together up to 200 participants discussing aspects of coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical-chemical (THMC) processes in geological systems. The focus is on new and exciting advances in areas of coupled processes associated with a broad range of subsurface engineering, starting with radioactive waste disposal and extending to geothermal exploration, geological carbon sequestration, subsurface energy storage, etc. The symposium will also provide insights from the current phase of the international DECOVALEX project (, an international collaboration for advancing the understanding of coupled THMC processes in geological systems.

More information on this pdf file.

Call for abstracts for Mini Symposium at SEG23

Francesco Cecinato and Fleur Loveridge will be convening a Mini Symposium entitled “Numerical analysis of energy geostructures” at SEG23 (3rd Symposium on Energy Geotechnics, see that will take place in Delft (NL), 3-5 October 2023.

Please submit an extended abstract to this MS via the symposium website. The deadline is currently set to 31 January 2023. Further details can be found on the attached flyer.

Numerical Analysis of Geomaterials: to the memory of Prof. Gyan N. Pande

We are pleased to announce that an International Symposium dedicated to the memory of Prof. Gyan Pande will be held in Assisi (Italy), May 10-12th, 2023. The Symposium will be focused on the Numerical Analysis of Geomaterials. The scope will cover the traditional areas of geomechanics, including both computational and experimental aspects, as well as application to practical engineering problems. In addition, contributions in the areas related to the use of geomaterials in construction (e.g., masonry and concrete structures) as well as geo-environmental engineering are also welcomed.

The preliminary information on the venue and the registration process is provided on the Symposium website: This site will be continually updated as new information becomes available.

The participants are invited to submit an extended two-page abstract in MS Word (.docx) or Adobe Acrobat (.pdf): more information on this pdf file.

Abstract submission for a Mini-symposium at the Symposium on Energy Geotechnics (3-5 October 2023, Delft)

A Mini-symposium on “Multiphysics and multiscale interactions in the context of energy storage and CO2 sequestration” is organized at the SEG 23 (Delft, 3-5 October 2023):

Interested researchers are invited to submit an abstract (the deadline is January, 31) through the conference website:

Short description:  Geomechanics plays an important role in many applications required to engineer the energy transition. Massive storage of energy and CO2 is planned to be done in geological structures, that will be exposed to unexperienced types of loads. Among those: cyclic pore pressure histories due to seasonal storage/production of energy, thermal loads due to the injection of fluids with different temperatures, bio-chemo-hydro-mechanical processes due to the interaction of dissolved and solid chemical species with low pH fluids, and wetting/drying processes. This mini-symposium aims at bringing together researchers working to foster a deeper understanding of such coupled multiphysics phenomena, which often require a multiscale approach (from particle to the REV, and from the REV to the well or the reservoir scale).


Gabriele Della Vecchia (

Guido Musso (

Deux demi-journées en l’honneur de Jacques Desrues et Denis Caillerie


La direction du Laboratoire 3SR, aidée par Pierre Bésuelle et Cino Viggiani, vous invite à participer à deux demi-journées (26 et 27 Janvier 2023) en l’honneur de Jacques Desrues et de Denis Caillerie. Ces deux demi-journées auront lieu dans l’amphithéâtre du Laboratoire LEGI.

Plus d’informations sont disponibles sur le flyer.

À l’exception de l’exposé de Claudio Tamagnini, cet événement sera entièrement en Français. Il sera également possible d’assister à ces présentations en visioconférence. Ceux qui le souhaitent, peuvent contacter Pierre Bésuelle ( et/ou Cino Viggiani ( pour obtenir le lien zoom.


The management of the 3SR Laboratory, assisted by Pierre Bésuelle and Cino Viggiani, invites you to participate in two half-days (26 and 27 January 2023) in honour of Jacques Desrues and Denis Caillerie. These two half-days will take place in the amphitheatre of Laboratoire LEGI.

More information is available on the flyer.

With the exception of Claudio Tamagnini’s presentation, this event will be entirely in French. It will also be possible to attend these presentations by videoconference. Those who wish to do so can contact Pierre Bésuelle ( and/or Cino Viggiani ( to obtain the zoom link.