10 PhD positions opening on the EU Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions, 2 of them will be located in Grenoble.

Our natural H2 research team in ISTerre laboratory (Grenoble) will host two Phd students among 10 PhD positions opening on the EU Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions, ENDONANO ITN-European Industrial Doctorate (EID) program “SHINE: Safe underground Hydrogen storage IN Earth subsurface reservoirs”: https://www.shine-edn.eu/.

Regarding Grenoble,  we are looking for candidates (see https://www.shine-edn.eu/projects-on-offer/  projects 07 & 08) for:

  • First PhD (No 07) : Permeability and migration pathways to the surface using field observations, laboratory tests and numerical modelling. Very good Geomechanical, Hydraulic & Analytical/coding skills required. Frederic Victor Donzé will supervise this project.
  • Second PhD (No 08): Modeling and laboratory studies of fluid-solid interaction during H2 transport along fractures. Supervised by Laurent Truche

Please apply there: https://www.shine-edn.eu/recruitment/.
Details regarding candidates: https://www.shine-edn.eu/PDF/SHINE-Call-for-Recruitment.pdf.

Feel free to apply to the other PhD projects. We will address the underground hydrogen storage science and technology.

PhD position in CCUS Geomechanics

A position for a scientific software developer / PhD in geomechanics is open at Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC). The doctoral project will focus on CO2 storage in depleted reservoirs. The thermo-hydro-mechanical response of reservoir rocks will be investigated considering a two-phase flow of supercritical CO2 and water. The research will be conducted jointly with DRACSYS, a spinoff company of the research group of Mechanics of Materials (MECMAT-UPC). The new developments will be implemented in the group’s own FE code.

Start date: as soon as possible and no later than October 2023.

More information on this pdf file.

3 PhD positions opening in Nanoscience and Fault Mechanics at UCLouvain, Belgium

Applications are welcomed for 3 PhD positions at the IMMC institute, UCLouvain, Belgium, starting in October 2023.

These positions are part of multi-disciplinary project NanoGG focusing on rocks mechanical behavior to study faults’ behavior, earthquake propagation and plate tectonics. This project aims at better understanding the physics behind these events and more generally the deformation processes in rocks at depth by investigating their behavior from the nanoscale to the macroscale combining original numerical and experimental developments. The PhD projects will be co-supervised by an interdisciplinary team composed of Hosni Idrissi, Laurent Delannay and Hadrien Rattez.

More information in the attached file.

Research Associate Position on “Multiphysics modelling of long-term evolution of concrete structures in service environment”

Join the Numerical Modelling and Digitalization for Building Materials and Concrete Structures research group at the Institute for Concrete Structures and Building Materials at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany.

We’re seeking a motivated individual to support our ground-breaking research on Multiphysics modelling for the long-term evolution of critical infrastructures like nuclear reactors and bridges. You’ll have the opportunity to develop innovative thermo-hydro-chemo-mechanical models, enabling reliable predictions of concrete structure service life. With hands-on experiments, cutting-edge numerical modelling, and collaboration with leading experts, this role offers a unique pathway to advance your career and make a lasting impact in the field. For further information contact Dr. Ravi Patel (ravi.patel@kit.edu) as well as on this pdf file.

Researcher/PhD position at the University of Minho, Guimarães, Portugal

call is open to award one researcher/PhD student grant within the I&D Project INTENT – Intelligent health monitoring of road infrastructures using bender elements embedded in pavements, reference 2022.06879.PTDC, funded by the Portuguese Science and Technology Foundation (FCT). The recipient is expected to conduct research in the field of Civil Engineering/Geomechanics at the University of Minho, in Guimarães, Portugal.

The grant holder will work at the ISISE Research Centre, University of Minho, to develop, test and produce Bender Elements (BE) sensors taking into account a set of specifications defined in a previous Task of the project. Subsequently, these sensors will be delivered and installed for field tests aimed at the continuous monitoring of road granular layers.

Job:  Research grant for MSc graduates, with an option to undertake a PhD

Research field: Civil Engineering/Geomechanics

Stating date: July, 2023

Application deadline: June, 7, 2023

More information on this link.

Vacancy in Geotechnical Engineering at the University of Dundee

The University of Dundee is looking to appoint a Post-Doctoral Research Associate to work on the EPSRC-funded research project “Braced Excavations: what about the corners?“, jointly held with Durham University.  The aim of this project is to develop new and more accurate ways to predict ground movements and prop loads for large, braced excavations as regularly used around the world for the construction of new underground transportation infrastructure.  

The post holder will work on the University of Dundee Geotechnical Centrifuge to create and test models of 2- and 3-dimensional braced excavations to provide validation data for numerical approaches developed at Durham University.  The position will be for 3 years.  

To apply for this position, please go to https://www.jobs.ac.uk/job/CZS581/postdoctoral-research-assistant

The application deadline is midnight on Friday 09 June. Informal enquiries can be made to Professor Jonathan Knappett (j.a.knappett@dundee.ac.uk).  

Further particulars are available in this pdf file.

Researcher/PhD position at the Lusófona University in Lisbon

A call is open to award one researcher/PhD student grant within the I&D Project INTENT – Intelligent health monitoring of road infrastructures using bender elements embedded in pavements, reference 2022.06879.PTDC, funded by the Portuguese Science and Technology Foundation (FCT). The recipient is expected to conduct research in the field of Computational Geomechanics at the Lusófona University of Lisbon.

Job:  Research grant for MSc graduates, with an option to undertake a PhD

Research field: Computational Geomechanics

Stating date: July, 2023

Salary: €16,135.68 per annum (€14,395.68 net annual salary)

Duration: 33 months

Application deadline: June, 5, 2023

Applications must be made through an application letter together with the following documents: Curriculum Vitae with indication of OrcID reference, if available, certificates of graduation degrees (BSc and MSc), Motivation Letter and any other documents considered relevant by the candidate. The documents should be sent to Professor Ionut Dragos Moldovan,  dragos.moldovan@ulusofona.pt (or dragos.moldovan@gmail.com). 

More information on this pdf file.

Postdoctoral Fellow (CO2 – ultramafic rocks physical and chemical interactions)

The Department of Geological Sciences at The University of Texas at Austin seeks to hire a talented and innovative postdoctoral Scholar who will be supervised by Nicola Tisato and D. Nicolas Espinoza. The scholar will collaborate with scientists in the Rock Deformation Laboratory, the Department of Geological Sciences, and the Petroleum and Geosystems Engineering Department at UT Austin.


  1. To conduct independent research focused on the carbonation of ultramafic rocks through an activity revolving around laboratory experiments.
  2. Design, prepare and perform rock mechanics and rock physics experiments. The experiments will require the postdoctoral fellow to collaborate with project partners to secure rock hand samples from which to prepare rock core plugs (cylinders) by using a drill press and a lathe in a fully equipped laboratory.
  3. Characterize such core plugs using common laboratory tools such as a scale, a caliper, and a gas pycnometer.
  4. Using internal UT Austin or external laboratories to prepare thin sections and perform analyses to characterize the rocks, for example, using scanning electron microscopy analyses.
  5. Perform other analyses on the studied rocks that will require manipulating the samples (e.g., grinding to powder).
  6. Perform experiments on the core plugs by means of high-pressure and temperature-pressure vessels also in combination with X-ray imaging techniques to assess the dissolution and precipitation of new mineral phases when CO2 and water are injected into the core plug. Thus, the Postdoctoral fellow is required to work with apparatuses that can hold high-pressure (max 200 MPa) fluids and produce elevated temperatures (max 400 degC).
  7. Performing these experiments will require the Postdoctoral fellow to set up the experiments, which could include collaborating with machine shops (internal to UT Austin) to engineer new mechanical parts and devise other electric or electronic parts in collaboration with the PIs.
  8. Acquire and analyze experimental data and use rock physics laws and tools to model the results.
  9. Perform literature reviews, give presentations at conferences, write manuscripts for peer-review journals, and write research grant proposals if needed.
  10. The postdoctoral fellow will have direct access to several facilities at UT Austin, including the Rock Deformation Laboratory and the Rock Mechanics Laboratory.

 Preferred Qualifications

Research experience in carbon dioxide sequestration. Research experience in fluids-rocks chemo-physical interaction. Experience in analytical methodologies (e.g., XRD, XRF, CT-scanning). Experience with CT-scan imaging and imaging processing software (e.g., imageJ, etc). Experience with sensors and microcontroller programming (e.g., Arduino, etc).

Apply here: https://utaustin.wd1.myworkdayjobs.com/en-US/UTstaff/details/DGS—Postdoctoral-Fellow–CO2—ultramafic-rocks-physical-and-chemical-interactions-_R_00026598

More information and questions: Nicola Tisato (nicola.tisato@jsg.utexas.edu), D Nicolas Espinoza (espinoza@austin.utexas.edu) and on this attached pdf file.

PhD position at Politecnico di Torino

A position for a PhD in Geomechanics is open at Politecnico di Torino (Italy). The doctoral project will focus on geomechanical aspects of CO2 storage in aquifer and depleted hydrocarbon reservoirs. The hydro-mechanical response of reservoir rocks will be investigated accounting for chemo-mechanical effects and coupling with geochemical reactions. The research programme will be carried out jointly with Stellantis and the PhD student is expected to spend at least six months in the industry, bridging the gap between academic research and industrial applications, and six months in another University/Research Institution outside Italy.

Interested candidates can write to: guido.musso@polito.it

The call expires on June 20th and is available here: https://www.polito.it/en/education/phd-programmes-and-postgraduate-school/admissions-to-phd-programmes/admissions/call-for-applications

More information on this pdf file.