Registration for the ALERT Workshop and School 2023 is OPEN!

Dear ALERT community,

I am pleased to inform you that the registration for the ALERT Geomaterials Workshop and School 2023 is now open! The preliminary programs of the Doctoral School is available here, the programme of the Workshop should be posted soon.

In the continuity of last year edition, a remote access to the doctoral school is proposed at the same price as the on-site option. However, this remote option only gives access to the passive attending of the presentations, and no questions could be asked.

This year, the ALERT Bureau has decided to offer one day of accomodation to:

  • all PhD students attending the doctoral school and belonging to an ALERT member institution (in a double room only);
  • all retired researchers attending the workshop.

Please read the hints in the registration form! After filling the form and pressing the button “Register”, a window will open with your invoice. Please print the window with the invoice for your records! You will also get an email with the registration data afterwards. If you are an ALERT members, the corresponding representative of your ALERT institution will receive the registration data too.

Click here to register for the ALERT Workshop and School 2023.

The deadline for the registration is the September 08th! The accommodation in Aussois will be processed in the order of the registrations (see the hints in the registration form). Please note that the number of rooms in the CNRS “Centre Paul Langevin” is limited.
See also hints on how to get to Aussois.

Looking forward to meeting you in Aussois!

ALERT Poster Session 2023

The ALERT Poster session will be held during the ALERT Workshop from September 25 to September 27, 2023 in Aussois.

Those who are interested are asked to submit their abstracts (both word/openoffice and pdf files are required) by email to the coordinators Nadia Benahmed ( and Antoine Wautier ( using the attached abstract form (Template).

This year, the ALERT Committee has decided to award a prize (€500) to the poster that demonstrates the greatest originality, aesthetics and clarity, as well as the best scientific content, both in the poster and the abstract.

The deadline for the submission of the abstract is the September 10, 2023. For those wishing to participate to the competition, please send your poster (in pdf format) at the same time as your abstract.

ALERT Workshop 2023 – EXTENDED Call for abstracts

The Call for Abstract for the ALERT Workshop 2023 (33rd Edition) is extended until the 19th of June. Please submit your abstracts by email directly to the coordinators using the Workshop abstract form (doc). If you wish to publish your presentation after the Workshop on the ALERT website, do not forget to agree by ticking the corresponding box in the abstract form.

Here is a reminder of the workshop sessions for which the call for abstract is open, as well as a short description of each of them:

  • Session 1: “Energy geomechanics
    Organizers: Jean-Michel PereiraCarlos Santamarina and Diego Manzanal.

    The use of the geological subsurface is gaining interest in various energy-related applications, covering energy recovery and storage. In these applications, the physical phenomena at play in the encountered porous materials include -often in a coupled manner- heat and mass transfers, multiphase flow, reactive transport of fluids, mechanics, etc.
  • Session 3: “Anisotropy in geomaterials: theory, experiments and modelling”
    Organizers: Eleni GerolymatouCino Viggiani, and Angelo Amorosi.

    Anisotropy, i.e. the variation of any given property of the material with direction, can have a significant effect on the material response to loading. It is present in most types of geomaterials, ranging from granular soils to hard rocks.
    Due to the significant effort required to determine in the laboratory the internal variables of the material and the additional difficulties linked to its constitutive description, it is in most applications ignored as a matter of fact. However, in the last years significant efforts have been made in both directions.
    With the present topic suggestion the organizers would like to invite contributions from researchers working on anisotropy in geomaterials in the fields of constitutive law development, experimental testing and numerical simulation. The aim is to increase awareness of the significance of anisotropy, to stimulate scientific exchange and to provide a first exposure to its intricacies for younger researchers.

13th ALERT Olek Zienkiewicz course – 28th August to 1st September

The 13th ALERT Olek Zienkiewicz course 2023: 

Multiphysics and multiscale coupled processes in geomaterials
Focus on thermal effects and gas transfer impact on the behaviour of geomaterials

jointly organised by the Alliance of Laboratories in Europe for Education and the GAS/HITEC EURAD projects, will be held in the buildings of the ULiège (Sart-Tilman campus) in Liege, Belgium between 28 August and 1 September 2023.

More information on the organisation of the course in this attachment.

Registration is free of charge and possible on the following website:
A maximum of 80 participants will be able to join the school. Priority will be given to researchers involved in EURAD and members of ALERT Geomaterials until 1 July 2023.

IS-Grenoble 2024 – Call for abstracts

IS-Grenoble 2024 will be the fifth quadrennial international symposium organized under the auspices of Technical Committee 105 (Geomechanics from Micro to Macro) of the International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (ISSMGE).

The call for abstracts is open, looking forward to receiving your abstract (and to seeing you here!)

Save the date: September 23 – September 27, 2024

More information on the website:

Seminar Prof. Alexander Puzrin at Politecnico di Bari

Dear Colleagues,

on Thursday 4 May 2023, at 15:30 CET, Prof. Alexander Puzrin, Head of the Institute of Geotechnical Engineering at ETH Zurich, will deliver a seminar entitled:

“Has science solved one of hystory’s greatest adventure mysteries?”

The seminar is organised by the Geotechnical Research Group of DICATECh, Politecnico di Bari, Italy, and will be held in presence at Politecnico di Bari.

Please see the attached file for further details.

LARAM School 2023 – Application Call NOW OPEN (deadline 15 May)

Dear All,

The LARAM School 2023 ( will be held from Monday 4 to Friday 15 Septemberin person @ Salerno city centre (Palazzo della Provincia), with a few students connected online.

After the pandemic period, we came back to the traditional schedule of the School, with the lectures and other activities starting at 9:00 a.m. CET.

As traditionally done, the LARAM School will be based on:

  • an international application call,
  • the selection among the applicants,
  • the final certificate of attendance to the students,
  • mandatory interactive participation of the students (to receive the end-of-School certificate).


The Lecturers, most from the LARAM Scientific Committee (, are listed at:


  • The programme of the School will consist of 6-hour daily lectures and end-of-day tests.
  • One technical visit will be organized on Saturday 9 September morning.

The programme is structured into the following sessions:

  • S1, Introduction to landslides
  • S2, Landslide risk theory
  • S3, Landslide modelling
  • S4, Landslide risk analysis and zoning
  • S5, Landslide monitoring and mitigation
  • S6, Landslide risk management and risk governance

The provisional programme of LARAM School 2023 is available at:

The programmes of all the previous Editions since 2006 are available at


  • 40 selected PhD students
  • 10 registered Young Doctors (PhD defended not before 2018)

DEADLINE: 15 May 2023  <<<<<

  • Application of PhD students

  • Registration of Young Doctors (PhD defended not before 2018)


  • PhD students: 250 euro
  • Young Doctors: 400 euro


  • in-person (standard option)
  • online (exceptionally allowed for motivated reasons)


The selection of the participants will be based on an evaluation of the candidate’s curriculum – including academic performance, previous research experience and publications – and on the content of the recommendation letter(s) in relation to the PhD year, the field of expertise and the research topic.

Note. In exceptional cases, it will be allowed that some extra students, additional to the 40, will attend remotely, but only for documented reasons. For those candidates, the application is still mandatory, and participation will be allowed upon selection. While uploading the CV, include also a page explaining the reasons for remote participation.

The list of selected students will be issued by the end of May 2023. 

Best regards,